- Asthma
- Hypertension
- Mental Health
- Diabetes
- NHS health check
See below for other clinics and services.
Antenatal Clinics
Please ask reception staff for information from the midwife.
Flu Vaccinations
Information about the vaccine, including who should have it
Here at Rough Hay Surgery we hold flu clinics on specific dates and times. Please contact reception to schedule an appointment.
If you are housebound, a home visit by a practice nurse can be arranged to administer this vaccination.
Immunisation Clinics
We immunise against infectious diseases which can cause death and disability and strongly recommend that all children should receive their full course of immunisation.
Other immunisations (e.g. Hepatitis B; Flu or Rubella) are advised according to age or risk.
Please ask our Reception Staff for details.
Pneumonia Vaccinations
If you are aged 65 or over, you are strongly advised to have a pneumonia vaccination. Appointments with the nurse can be booked with our Reception Staff.
Travel Vaccinations
Patients who are planning to travel overseas, whether on business or pleasure should contact our Reception Staff at least 8 weeks beforehand to enquire about their specific vaccination requirements.
Our Reception Staff will give you a questionnaire to complete which will help the Practice Nurse ascertain what vaccinations you will require for your trip and enable her to give you the best possible advice on all health issues, as well as administer the vaccinations.
Please note that not all travel vaccinations are available free on the NHS, so for certain vaccines there may be a fee.
Smear tests for women involve an examination of the Cervix (neck of the womb) to check for changes which occur before cancer develops. These changes can be treated before cancer develops.
We recommend that women between the ages of 25 and 49 years are encouraged to have a smear every three years and those aged between 50 and 64 every five years, unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
Smear tests are performed by the practice nurse. We have a recall system in place to advise women in advance of their next smear test.
Patients wishing to check their results (and it is always wise to do this) should wait between 4 & 5 weeks before doing so. This is the approximate time taken by the laboratory to process the tests.
Breast cancer kills more women than any other cancer. It is more common in older women but, if the small changes are discovered early, there is a better chance of a successful recovery. Our practice nurses can provide information about breast cancer and also give instructions on how to examine your breasts at regular intervals.
Smoking Cessation
This service is not currently being offered at the surgery but if you wish to stop smoking please speak to any member of the practice staff who can give you contact details to other organisations.
Additional Patient Services & Health Care Information
The Practice is committed to provide relevant information to people who use its services and the following methods will be used to provide this information:
- During their consultation
- Information Leaflets
- Posters displayed in patient communal areas
- Information and health promotion boards within the patient waiting areas i.e. local Advocacy services
- Practice booklet / leaflet
- Patient waiting areas television / Health Promotion TV Screens
- Practice website
If you require information on a specific topic and are unable to find it, please ask our Reception Staff, who will do their utmost to help you.